
The Everything is a Primary Source mindset and method creates a system which preserves the past, encourages dialogue, and produces an interactive learning resource for all.

The past four years has seen this mission carried out mainly online and through podcasting exhibits at conferences and other events. The physical objects collected from Goodwill Outlets and other sources have accumulated quickly, and storage of items crowds out a space to actually use the contents of the ever-growing collection. Your support will allow for the opening of a physical space to act as the EPS YOUR History Through Pop Culture Archive.

The EPS Archive will be a hands-on museum, research & reading room, media creation lab, performance space, and classroom. It will serve the general public, but will be available for school groups to visit and take part in a variety of humanities disciplines. Visitors will be encouraged to handle, listen to, watch, read, play and otherwise engage with the eclectic mix of objects and pop culture media from across American History. But, unlike other museums, the EPS Archive will ask guests to be more than consumers of information. Instead, visitors will encouraged to be creators of media by recording an episode of the EPS Podcast, adding to a display or collage, or taking part in an art class.

Individual supporters and organizational sponsors will be helping to fund the leasing of the space needed for a worthwhile archive experience, as well as the work necessary to operate the archive and website, not to mention the production of quality podcasts and videos.

Depending on the size of the gift, contributors will receive:

  • Thank you messages or promotion on the EPS Podcast and YouTube Videos

  • Recognition in the archive by way of signage, advertisement, and having a place to sell products

  • Cross-linking of websites and social media

  • Unique pieces from the EPS collection to add to fit your interior design needs

This project cannot happen without your support.

EPS Merch

Support Everything is a Primary Source and get cool swag while doing it!